Thursday, 18 November 2010

1st year magic animation


I researched into the wiccan religion and found that most of the spells they perform require a candle of a certain colour. e.g. white=positive energy
black=negative energy
Fire also has a magical, hypnotic quality to it so I wanted to portray the same feeling.

 first experimented with photographing candles on a low shutter speed to create orb-like light. played around with the contrast on photoshop.

I wanted to create more feeling of movement with the flame, so my final piece became a stop frame animation, which was on a USB stick inside a 'magic box' I made.   

Sunday, 31 October 2010

photography sequence

Photographs taken in my home town Stratford upon Avon.
I like observing the way people interact, so I decided to capture the different ways people eat.

^^^^This one is my favourite.


create six postcards that show the places:
  • nothing
  • disappointment
  • why
  • regret
  • pen
  • boring

book project

Another 1st year brief; buy an old book and make work form it.
I found this old pocket book dictionary on short hand and was interested in the symbols used for each word.

I decided to create my own pocket book; "The Pocket Book of People's Pockets"
I wrote down all items typically found in people's pockets, and combined the symbol for the items with illustration.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Love Labels

Was asked to design a typeface and logo for clothing company.
Used two sizes of a heart shape to create it.

Reminds me of wire coat hangers.

Iconic Image.

Take an ordinary everyday object and create an Iconic poster:

Final poster:

typeface: Pagliaccio

First year project: Created using the harlequin pattern.
Pagliaccio: The crying clown.