Monday, 7 November 2011


Nick Gentry

Wish he was still showing in London. 

" exploration of the ways in which humankind is integrating with technology. As it reaches a tipping point, this new movement is becoming increasingly apparent as a cultural and social transition of our time. Will humans be forever compatible with our own technology?" (

Sunday, 24 July 2011


I based my final second year project on shoes. I bought a pair of ballet flats from Primark for £8 and wore them for 1 month. I documented the appearance of the shoes by photographing them every time they were worn. By the end of the month, I had done 126728 steps, and could barely keep them on my feet. 

Pimm's Bunting

I had a Pimm's and Lemonade party for my 21st. So I decided to make some bunting. I now want to make more for different occasions...and I got to use my Dad's lovely laser printer. 


Mildred Pierce

I've been watching this 5 part 1930's-40's drama, starring Kate Winslet. I decided to draw the photograph of her featured on the Sky magazine. Again, in pen. I only block coloured in the background, as I like the paper and inky texture on the figure. 

Thursday, 16 June 2011


I've been trying to draw using only pen. No pencil. Tried to draw from a photograph of young twiggy in a magazine. Colour filled on Photoshop. She looks a bit alien-like. 

I like Taylor James

Found Taylor James Creative Production Studio in Creative Review mag. Use both Print and Motion.

Some AMAZING work:

Kalbitor Project: Encorporated Photography and CGI.